Version 1.2.7 is the second update. This updates includes the following changes:
- Support iOS 11 larger text. Most of views in the app will adjust text size when user change their device text size in Settings->General->Accessibility->Larger Text.
- Improved some user interfaces for usability and smooth performance.
- fixed some bugs.
We constantly update the app to provide the best app for our users.
The following are some highlights about this update.
Larger Text
Larger text feature has been released since iOS 7. Apple has been keeping to enhance accessibility features in iOS. For example, larger size is further enhanced in iOS 11. This update supports this new enhancement.
Notice that the title text in all main tab views are larger text. All the text sizes in table views are automatically changed depending on user's larger text settings. This makes the user interface easy to read for some users.
Larger size feature does present an issue of text being truncated when text size is too large. To help user to get quick view of full text, a toggle button is added to most of table views. Tap on this button will show text in full or short view.
Undo and Redo
There is animation when you want to undo or redo a tap. This update further improved the animation so that user will easily aware the undo or redo changes.
Altitude Information
In the view of Tap to Count, a location button on the bottom toolbar is used to indicate location status. The green colour indicates that location is OK. While red colour indicates problems about location, either not being enabled, or errors occurred.
If the location is normal, taping on the button will display a brief information about when the location were updated, as well as the current altitude information. We think this information is useful to help users to know their current location before making a tap.
There are more useful information available, but we are still not sure on how and what information should be presented. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.