Let's explain the detail information about some enhancements in the version 1.4.1. In this blog, we discuss first two major groups of enhancements being added to TapToCount-3W app.
Edit Enhancements
The first group is about edit enhancements. In all text fields, a clear button is added to the trail side when there are some text in the field. This button makes clearing all text much easier.
By the way, if you accidentally cleared or changed any text, you can shake your iPhone to bring up options to undo or to redo changes. This is iPhone build-in feature for all editable text fields.
The next welcome feature is make some detectable text responding to taps. For example, the following note area contains a phone-number:
In order to make those detectable texts available for taping, a button is added to the top-right corner. Tap on this button will change the text field back to editable or detectable status.
Location Enhancements
Within the TapToCount-3W app, location information is saved as geo-location coordinates, for example, latitude and longitude numbers. Those numbers may not easy to understand in terms place location names, such as address or place name.
In this update, an interface is added to tap action view to reveal location names. In the tap action view, there is button on left side of the bottom. When the button is in green color, it indicates that location coordinate information is available. Tap on this button will display a popup view like this:
It may take some time to revers geo-coordinates to location name information. The logic and way to get location name information is based iOS geo-location library and service. The information to reverse geo-coordinates to an address or place name requires a huge database as storage. This may only be available on-line. Therefore, in order to get the information, it requires data connection for your iOS device, and it may consume some data transferred.
The way we try to get location information is by trying to get geo-coordinates' address first. Then we compare the address's location to our tap geo-coordinates, if the distance is less than 100 meters, the address will be used. Otherwise, we will try to get location's place name. If it is available, the place name will be used. If none is available, or no data connection, we will show a message of address or place name not available, as in the following case:
As a result, it is recommended to view this information when you have stable Wifi connection or your carrier's data connection.
We hope this new feature will be as a very useful way to provide you location information.