When you use TapToCount-3W app to record an event, activity or your thoughts, you normally make a tap first. This tap will have time and location (if location is enabled) information automatically. Then you swipe into the screen of tap list and finally choose the last tap to add a note.
In this updated version, we have added some enhancements for your convenience to add and access note. First, we allow you to predefine a note before tapping. This is called as "Default tap note". Just swipe on a tap item in tap action view, the first action choice is for "Default tap note".
For a tap item, you can pre-define text as for subsequent tap's note. This default tap note can be anything such a template or some key words. For example, if you travel to a place and you would like to keep using a place name in the subsequent notes, you can enter the name into this "Default tap note". After you make some taps, this place name will be used in taps' note. Then you may go back to those taps to make changes or add more information when you have time. This feature may be very useful when you have no time to add notes for your subsequent taps, for example, hiking mountains out of remote and difficult area. The pre-defined notes may save your valuable time to enter repeated text info and provides basic clue for later editing.
Another enhancement is to quick access to the last tap note view. As described above, to go to the latest tap's note screen, it may takes several operations or steps. A new action choice is added to each tap item in tap action view as shown in above picture. Tap on this action will bring you to the latest tap's note view.
Here is the view of note for the last tap in a travel event:
We think those new enhancements will make your use of TapToCount-3W app in much smooth, convenience, and happy journey!