Friday, September 22, 2017

Where of TapToCount - 3W App

With mobile device, geolocation is available in most cases. The Where feature of TapToCount - 3W app is for recording geolocation information when a user makes a tap.

Enable Location Setting

Recording location is an optional feature upon user approval. User can enable Location when defining or editing an tap entity. If enabled, tapping on any tap items within the tap entity could record location information automatically.

Granting Location Access

Based on iOS private policy, any app requests to access user private information, including location, user has to grant access explicitly for the first time. This applies to TapTocount - 3W as well. When a user first time tries to choose a tap entity with location enabled, a prompt of message explaining location access is displayed.

Notice that the request for location access is only displayed the first time the app tries to request location information by iOS system. Whatever user's choice will be used by iOS system as guideline to provide location information to the app or not, and no more prompt would be displayed afterwards.

To change app's location access, user could go to device settings: Settings->Privacy->Location. Then a list of apps requesting location information will be displayed. Find TapToCount - 3W app and change settings there.

An alternative way to change is to find app's settings from device Settings. TapToCount - 3W app generic settings can be found in a list of apps. From there, location settings can be changed.

If the location access was set to "Don't know" first time as in above screen, the tool bar icon on the bottom is in red, which indicates location access is not allowed by iOS or failure to access for some reason.

Tap on location icon, it will show a message explaining why location is not available. Along with the message, a quick link to app's setting in the action of "OpenSettings".

View Location Information

Location information may be an very useful and important related to taps. View location is accessible from Edit tab in the main view. Select an tap entity, then an tap item. A list of taps (if tapped) is available for viewing.

In the list of taps, a location icon on the left side of a tap indicates location information is available for the tap.

One way to view location is to bring up a tap detail view.

Location data are not editable. They are selectable and can be copied.

Another way to view location is from the map icon on the tool bar of list of taps.

Taps are indicated by drop pins, and the sequence of taps are linked by lines. To mark the altitude changes, various colours are used:

  • Red: ascending in altitude
  • Green: descending in altitude
  • Cyan: the same or not clear (for example, the start tap, the distance between tow taps are less than 30 meters, or the altitude change less than 1%)

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