Let's continue to discuss another new feature of version 1.3.6 in detail(feature #6). This new feature provides a way to reveal the information about the current time and geolocation since the last tap.
In many cases, before you make a tap, you may want to know the duration between the current time and the last tap. If the location is enabled, it would be very helpful if you can see the distance between the current location and the last tap, the current altitude and the change to the last altitude.
With this update, it is possible to get all those information before you make a tap action. In the tapping action view, a new button is available on the left side of each tap item. Tapping on this button, an information view will be popped up to show the current information of time and location since the last tap.
Here is an example of tap item "3-Get up & bedtime". A new info button is available for each tap item:
Information view is showing up when the info button is tapped:
We keep the information very concise in terms of units. For example, if the duration is over days, the unit of seconds is not so significant and is not in the show, as the information in the following for "Running" tap item.
If the location feature is not enabled for a tap entity or group, the geolocation will be marked as "Not available" for its tap items.
The distance is calculated based on geolocation information, i.e., coordinates of latitude and longitude, between the current location and lat tap location, and not taking any account of any altitude changes between two coordinates. The calculation is based on assumption of two coordinates in terms of flat and spherical surface. It does not take account of any actual direction changes or curve paths between two coordinates. Therefore this distance value is appropriate in nature, not the actual distance a user travels.
In this information view, we provide Pace value. This value is based on the calculation results of the distance and the time duration between the current location and the last tap location. As explained above, this value may be far away from the actual pace or speed, just as an appropriate value as user reference.
Users should be aware of limitations of GPS information on mobile devices. First, the GPS information obtained from mobile device is not very accurate(some times we had cases that GPS location was too far away from the actual locations). Secondly, if too many direction changes have been made between the current location and the last tap location, the calculated results of distance and pace would be way off the actual distance and pace.
By introducing this information view, we notice that in some cases, the GPS information(distance, and altitude) may change during the initial period of the display, if you are in still position. This may be caused by the app design strategy. The request for GPS information is only enabled at the time when tap action view is in display, and disabled when not in display. This strategy is to keep energy consumption in minimum. As a result, the GPS information may not be stable in the initial display period (several to more than 10 seconds).
As a tip, you may this information view as an indication of stability of GPS data. You may tap on the icon on the top left corner to make a tap action when the distance and altitude values are stable.
In Summary
We believe that this feature may be a great enhancement feature for our app users.
Since the GPS information obtained from iOS device is approximate, and sometimes they may be far away from the actual or the accurate geolocation values, users should not solely rely on the information and calculation results. The information of the app does not provide any accuracy guaranty; therefore, users should use the information with caution.
- Version 1.3.6 Released!
- Wikipedia: Geographical distance
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