In this article, we'll conclude the remaining features of version 1.3.6. Those features are some enhancements related to search. In the previous release, search feature was added to the app. This is a very important feature for the app.
Search Feature
TapToCount-3w app provides a very unique and convenient way to record and manage personal data. Over a period of time, users may add a wide range of interest areas by means of tap entities and tap items, as well as accumulate a lots of taps in those areas. With the amount of data becoming very large, it would be difficult to find information and hard to manage data.
That's why the search feature was introduced in the previous release. Here is a summary of search feature, by taking the following screenshot as an example:
Under the search bar, there are four categories for search. Those categories can be summarized in two groups.
- The first two, "Name" and "Note", refer to the properties of name and note for items(either tap entity or tap item) in the current view. The search result will be the items with their name or note containing a searched string. For example, if you type a string string of "Apple"(or "apple", case-insensitive) in Name category, the searched result, as in the example, will be the only item which name contains "Apple". In the same minor, "Note" category is for the matched items which subtitle or note contains the searched string.
- The last two, "Tap note" and "Tap date", are for items' children properties: tap note and tap date. Taking "Tap note" as example, if an item has one or more taps, and at least one tap's note contains the searched string, then all those matched items will be the searched result in the current view.
It is very easy to figure it out by just trying some searches.
Search Carried out into Detail Views
In this release, the search is further enhanced for the last two search categories. The first enhancement is that the search condition for tap's note or taps' date will be carried out into the subsequent detail views.
For example, in the tab of tap action view, if you type a search string "New york" for "Tap note" category, not only the tap entities in the current view will be narrowed down to the ones where at least one of taps' note contains "New york" string,
but also will the next detail view be only the tap items with at least one of their taps' note contains "New york". In this example, the only tap item of "New york" is displayed.
Furthermore, in the next detail tap view, only 2 taps out of 116, which match the search condition(tap's note contains "New york"), are displayed.
This enhancement is actually very logical when you drill down the detail views, and make it easy to find out items of your interest.
For the Report view, if you set search condition, only the matched items will be exported. This is very handy if you only want to export interested data.
Search Dates
Prior to this release, the date picker for "Tap date" category is just a standard date picker, which list all the calendar dates. This may list many dates where no taps were made, and hence, it makes the search very difficult. For example, if you set data as equal-to-a-date, you may get empty taps when no taps occurred on that date.
The second enhancement in this release is that the dates for Tap date category are only limit to the actual tapped dates. This makes searching for tapped dates much easier.
This also provides a way to peek at what actual tapped dates are.
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